Zojuist hebben wij een upgrade geinstalleerd van het DirectAdmin control panel. Versie 1.45.0 is hierbij vervangen door versie 1.45.2. Hiermee zijn enkele problemen verholpen (bugfix) en nieuwe mogelijkheden geïntroduceerd (features).
Een uitgebreide opsomming van de wijzigingen vindt u hier:
05/02/14 Version 1.452
- Ability to hide version and license owner in headers [feature]
- Nginx templates don’t receive HAVE_PHP1_FPM=1 [bugfix]
04/29/14 Version 1.451
- Apache 2.4.9 and php-fpm HAVE_PHP1_FPM change (TEMPLATES) [feature]
- Add x-use-https header on http to https redirect [feature]
- Allow tokenizer to handle shebang scripts [feature]
- logs_to_keep max hardcoded to 400 [bugfix]
- breadcrumb when showing a User to point back to correct list (SKINS) [bugfix]
- Admin/Reseller creation to set correct “skin” based on “docroots” [bugfix]
- Ftp backup errors not showing what the error is [bugfix]
- Combine certificate and ca bundle for nginx [bugfix]
- CB2.0: Add SSLCACertificateFile to User VirtualHosts is shared cert is used [bugfix]
- Optimize suspension/unsuspension for show_all_users.cache [bugfix]
- MX name only shows a dot (SKINS) [bugfix]
- Custom dns IPs for domain.com and www get duplicate merge on restore [bugfix]
- 8-bit base64 encode and decode [bugfix]
- Lower max session_minutes to 35791 [bugfix]